The currently supported OSC commands are:
/mla/presetdoc/select/preset/<preset number>
These commands will select presets in the Preset List of preset type ‘Preset’. Currently it is designed to work with the ETC EOS range of consoles.
/mla/presetdoc/select/fp/<focus palette number>
These commands will select presets in the Preset List of preset type ‘FP’ (Focus Palette). Currently it is designed to work with the ETC EOS range of consoles.
/mla/presetdoc/select/chan/<channel number>
These commands will select channels in the Channel List.
/mla/presetdoc/preset/<preset number>/chan/<channel number>
This command will select the specific preset in the Preset List (of preset type ‘Preset’) and also select the specified channel.
These commands can be sent from the ETC EOS console as serial strings from cues and macros. To send from a cue you would use the syntax:
[Cue] [1] {Execute} {Strings} /mla/presetdoc/select/chan/7 [Enter]
{Execute} and {Strings} are soft keys.
This could be used when running a focus cue list on the console so that Moving Light Assistant will display the relevant preset and channel for a cue.