[IsChannelEntry] |
This to true if the record is for a channel, false for just preset info. |
[ChannelNumber] |
Channel number |
[FixtureNumber] |
Fixture number |
[FixtureType] |
Fixture type |
[PresetID] |
Preset number |
[PresetIDAsNumeric] |
Preset number as a number |
[PresetType] |
Preset type |
[PresetName] |
Preset name |
[Notes] |
Preset notes |
[Scenery] |
Set required for focus of preset |
[Cue] |
Cue used for focus of preset |
[CueAsNumeric] |
Cue used for focus of preset as a number |
[CueIsChannelSpecific] |
Cue is specific to a channel as opposed to the preset |
[SequenceID] |
Sequence/Cue List used for focus cue |
[IsFocused] |
Channel has been focused |
[AutoPhotograph] |
Automatically photograph this channel |
[PresetOrder] |
Preset order in preset list |
[PresetUnused] |
Indicates that preset is not used |
[PresetRowID] |
rowID of preset that channels are attached to |
[PresetUUID] |
UUID of preset that channels are attached to |
[Priority] |
Preset refocus priority as a number |
[FieldTitle1] |
Not used |
[FieldData1] |
Not used |
[FieldTitle2] |
Not used |
[FieldData2] |
Not used |
[FieldTitle3] |
Not used |
[FieldData3] |
Not used |
[FieldTitle4] |
Not used |
[FieldData4] |
Not used |
[FieldTitle5] |
Not used |
[FieldData5] |
Not used |
[FieldTitle6] |
Not used |
[FieldData6] |
Not used |
[UseImage1] |
Internal use only |
[Image1] |
Internal use only |
[Image1Caption] |
Image 1 caption |
[Image1FileName] |
Image 1 file name |
[Image1VectorData] |
Internal use only |
[Image1UseReference] |
Internal use only. Is the image to use a reference image |
[UseImage2] |
Internal use only |
[Image2] |
Internal use only |
[Image2Caption] |
Image 2 caption |
[Image2FileName] |
Image 2 file name |
[Image2VectorData] |
Internal use only |
[Image2UseReference] |
Internal use only. Is the image to use a reference image |
[UseImage3] |
Internal use only |
[Image3] |
Internal use only |
[Image3Caption] |
Image 3 caption |
[Image3FileName] |
Image 3 file name |
[Image3VectorData] |
Internal use only |
[Image3UseReference] |
Internal use only. Is the image to use a reference image |
[UseImage4] |
Internal use only |
[Image4] |
Internal use only |
[Image4Caption] |
Image 4 caption |
[Image4FileName] |
Image 4 file name |
[Image4VectorData] |
Internal use only |
[Image4UseReference] |
Internal use only. Is the image to use a reference image |
[Reconcilliation_PresetState] |
Internal use only. New, deleted preset etc |
[Reconcilliation_ChannelState] |
Internal use only. New, deleted channel etc |
[ChannelsUsePreset] |
Internal use only. Channels use the preset |
[FocusList_Cue] |
Not used |
[FocusList_CueAsNumeric] |
Not used |
[FocusList_SequenceID] |
Not used |
[Console_UID] |
Internal use only |
[UUID] |
Internal use only |
[ProdInfo_Title] |
Production name |
[ProdInfo_Venue] |
Production venue |
[ProdInfo_City] |
Production city |
[ProdInfo_Country] |
Production country |
[ProdInfo_ShowImage] |
Production logo image |
[ProdInfo_LDEmail] |
Lighting Designer email |
[ProdInfo_LD] |
Lighting Designer name |
[ProdInfo_LDTel] |
Lighting Designer telephone |
[ProdInfo_LDCopyright] |
Lighting Designer copyright text |
[ProdInfo_LDDisclaimer] |
Lighting Designer disclaimer text |
[ProdInfo_LDImage] |
Lighting Designer logo image |
[ProdInfo_AssocLDEmail] |
Associate Lighting Designer email |
[ProdInfo_AssocLDName] |
Associate Lighting Designer name |
[ProdInfo_AssocLDTel] |
Associate Lighting Designer telephone |
[ProdInfo_AssistLDEmail] |
Assistant Lighting Designer email |
[ProdInfo_AssistLDName] |
Assistant Lighting Designer name |
[ProdInfo_AssistLDTel] |
Assistant Lighting Designer telephone |
[ProdInfo_Director] |
Director name |
[ProdInfo_SetDesigner] |
Set Designer name |
[ProdInfo_CostumeDesigner] |
Costume Designer name |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionDesigner] |
Projection Designer name |
[ProdInfo_Producer] |
Producer name |
[ProdInfo_CreativeTeamMisc1Name] |
Miscellaneous creative team member 1 name |
[ProdInfo_CreativeTeamMisc1Title] |
Miscellaneous creative team member 1 position |
[ProdInfo_CreativeTeamMisc2Name] |
Miscellaneous creative team member 2 name |
[ProdInfo_CreativeTeamMisc2Title] |
Miscellaneous creative team member 2 position |
[ProdInfo_LightingProgrammerEmail] |
Lighting Programmer email |
[ProdInfo_LightingProgrammer] |
Lighting Programmer name |
[ProdInfo_LightingProgrammerTel] |
Lighting Programmer telephone |
[ProdInfo_ProdLXEmail] |
Production Electrician email |
[ProdInfo_ProdLX] |
Production Electrician name |
[ProdInfo_ProdLXTel] |
Production Electrician telephone |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupervisorEmail] |
Lighting Supervisor email |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupervisor] |
Lighting Supervisor name |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupervisorTel] |
Lighting Supervisor telephone |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupplierContact] |
Lighting Supplier contact name |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupplierEmail] |
Lighting Supplier email |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupplier] |
Lighting Supplier name |
[ProdInfo_LightingSupplierTel] |
Lighting Supplier telephone |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionProgrammerEmail] |
Projection Programmer email |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionProgrammer] |
Projection Programmer name |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionProgrammerTel] |
Projection Programmer telephone |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionSupplierContact] |
Projection Supplier contact name |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionSupplierEmail] |
Projection Supplier email |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionSupplier] |
Projection Supplier name |
[ProdInfo_ProjectionSupplierTel] |
Projection Supplier telephone |
[ProdInfo_ImportFileName] |
File name of last console import |
[ProdInfo_PaperworkDate] |
Paperwork date |
[ProdInfo_PaperworkRevision] |
Paperwork revision |
[ProdInfo_PaperworkStage] |
Paperwork stage |
[ProdInfo_PremiereDate] |
Premiere date |