The ‘Channel Data view’ inspects all the imported information for a selected channel, cue by cue.
Before any data can be displayed it is first necessary to select the desired sequence or cue list from the ‘Sequence’ drop-down list. After selecting a sequence to view, select a channel or fixture number, either by directly typing in to the data field to the left of the sequence, or by scrolling through the imported list of channel/fixture numbers using the associated up and down scroll buttons. As channels or fixtures are selected or scrolled through, the channel/fixture label will appear below the channel/fixture number.
Show All Cues
Only cues which contain explicit data for the selected channel will be shown by default. Such data will be shown in a normal black type face in the appropriate cell in the spreadsheet. Data which has tracked through from a previous cue (has not changed) will be displayed in grey text. If a cue contains no new data for the selected channel, it will not be displayed.
To display all cues in the sequence/Cue List, irrespective of whether they contain new data or not, check ‘Show All Cues’.
Preset Values
By default, the spreadsheet displays preset or palette labels. To display absolute values, as a percentage, check ‘Preset Values’. Whereas preset labels are ‘tracked through’ in the spreadsheet, preset values are only shown for the parameters that change in a particular cue, and the value is not shown as tracked through.
Labels Show (EOS)
By default, preset or palette labels will be displayed in the spreadsheet. When viewing EOS data, it is possible to view the EOS internal preset identifier (i.e. Preset 4) instead of the label by un-checking ‘Show Labels (EOS)’.
Highlighting Data
Different types of data can be highlighted to aid identification via a series of check boxes:
Absolute Values
When this is checked any data (other than intensity data) which is programmed with absolute, or hard values (values not derived from a preset) will be highlighted in red.
Absolute Intensity
When ‘Absolute Values’ and ‘Absolute Intensity’ are both checked, any intensity data which is programmed with an absolute or hard value will be highlighted in red.
Live Moves
When ‘Live Moves’ is checked, any fixtures whose parameter values change while its intensity is above zero will be highlighted in cyan.
Redundant Moves
When ‘Redundant Moves’ is checked, any fixture which changes position (or other non intensity parameter), and then changes position again without its intensity raising above zero, will be highlighted in magenta.
The number of highlighted cells is displayed at the bottom of the screen.