When entering numeric data into the edit field for a selection of multiple rows, it is possible to have the value automatically incremented, decremented, or offset for each row. This will only work when the data is purely a number.


Using the + character you can increment the value.
If the + character is after the number i.e. 1+2, this will set the first selected row to one then increment the value by two for each subsequent row.
If there is no increment value i.e. 1+, then it will increment by one.
For fields that support numeric values with decimal places i.e. Location X, you can use increment values with decimal places i.e. 1+0.1.


All the same rules apply as incrementing except the the character is used in place of the + character.


If ++ characters are before the number i.e. ++10, it will offset the values in the selected rows by the number after the ++ characters. In this case, it will add 10 to the value in each row.
-- characters can be also be used to offset the value by subtracting the value after the -- characters.

Example with 5 rows/fixtures selected:

Rows Before 1+ 1+2 ++10 Rows Before 1- 1-2 --10
1 1 1 11 11 11 11 1
1 2 3 11 11 10 9 1
1 3 5 11 11 9 7 1
1 4 7 11 11 8 5 1
1 5 9 11 11 7 3 1

Currently the columns that support incrementing, decrementing and offsetting are Channel, Fixture Number, Unit Number, Location X, Location Y, Location Z, Repeater Port, Circuit and Multicore Way.

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