Windows OS Licensing
The machine ID is generated differently due a bug that appeared where the machine ID would change by itself, preventing registration and the application recognising the computer it was running on. This would only happen on some Windows OS setups. Some Windows OS users may need to re-register their computer to use the new machine ID.
Import/Export Rig Data
The ‘Gate Gobo’ field is now available in the Rig Data import and export dialogs. Newly added channels will also now have their ‘Gate Gobo’ field set correctly if it is being imported.
Rig Data – Update From Patch
If the imported console data is from an EOS console, absolute DMX addresses are now handled when updating the Rig Data from the console patch.
Reports – Rig Data
The ‘DMXSystem’ field will now display the name of the system rather than its identification number.
Reports – Preset Documentation
Added to report the Focus Cue for each channel.
Canon Camera Control
When using automatic photo taking, if there is an error in the camera (i.e. it is busy or the focus failed), a dialog will no longer pop-up with the error. Errors will fail silently. This would cause a problem that the application would stop taking photos until the dialog was acknowledged.
Preset Documentation – Set a Preset’s Focus Cue/Set
A new command has been added to the ‘Set First Used Cue’ toolbar button. The ‘For All Presets (Not Channels)’ will set the Focus Cue (and lookup the Set from the cue list) for a Preset where all the channels use the preset for the first time in the same cue. It will NOT set the channels’ Focus Cue, and does not actually need the channels to have their Focus Cues set first, though generally you might want to do this using the appropriate command.
There are two options in the dialog that will pop-up to confirm the command. By default, the command will set all Presets regardless of the previous Focus Cue or Set entries. You can use the options to determine if it should not change the Focus Cue or Set if they already have entries in them.
Bugs/Issues Fixed
- Manage Positions dialog will now be closed before the command error dialog appears if there are command errors.
- Rig Data command errors will no longer be reported if a channel was not visible when a command was modifying a channel that is filtered. This would commonly be seen if you were changing position names in
and the Rig Data view was filtered. - Rig Data filter by position will now update the list of positions if changed in
without the need to change the filter to something else and return to position. - Wheel Loads animation wheel is now drawn correctly if the wheel image section of the window is resized. Also the highlighting of the wheel when dragging a gobo to the wheel image will highlight correctly.
- Profile Edit DMX Parameter list bugs fixed where incorrect DMX mode would sometimes be displayed.
- Rig Data, it is now possible to edit the cells in the ‘Frost’ column.
- Preset Documentation – When deleting photos, the dialog should now correctly state if you are deleting a Preset or Channel photo.
- GrandMA Import – The .tar.gz decompression is now much faster then in v1.0.
- Application – Fixed Nil Object Exception when recovering a show document after a crash.
Fixture Profile Updates
- VL5B – Corrected DMX Parameter names.
- VL5Arc – Corrected DMX Parameter names, No longer external dimmer.
- VL6 – Correct DMX Parameter names. Added lens choices.
- VL6C – Corrected DMX Parameter names.
- VL2000 Spot – Corrected DMX Parameter names.
- VL2000 Wash – Corrected DMX Parameter names.
- VLM – Added.
- VLX – Updated menu options and DMX parameters.
- VLX3 – Added.
- VL3015 – Added.
- MAC Viper Profile – Complete profile added with wheels and gobos/colours/effects.
- MAC 2000 Wash – Added menu options.
- MAC 2000 Profile – Added menu options, added UV Transmitter part number.
- MAC III Profile – Completed profile with wheels and gobos/colours/effects.
- MAC III Performance – Added complete profile.
- Added set of profiles for the Catalyst Media Server (Thanks to Erik-Jan Berendsen).
Color Kinetics
- ColorBlaze 48 – Updated DMX parameters, lenses and weight.
- ColorBlaze 72 – Updated DMX parameters, lenses and weight.
James Thomas Engineering
- PixelLine 1044 – Spelling correction and updated DMX parameters.
- PixelLine 110 – Spelling correction.