Report Preview provides the means to preview and print reports from Moving Light Assistant.
It is selected by clicking on the Report Preview tab across the top of the ribbon toolbar, or by pressing numeric key 6 on the keyboard.
Reports may be either printed to a connected printer, or saved as a PDF document using the incorporated PDF generator.
The report to be generated is selected from the ‘Report’ drop-down list. This contains a list of all the available report templates to choose from. Report templates may either be embedded in the show file, prefixed ‘Show’, or be resident on the user’s computer, prefixed ‘File’.
For layout files to be present in the ‘File’ list they must be stored in the ‘Report Layout Templates’ folder in the application folder.
If the chosen report is based upon rig data or cue lists, Moving Light Assistant provides options to print a full report containing all the data, or a smaller report containing a chosen sub set of data.