The Duplicate Fixtures toolbar button will allow you to either duplicate the selected fixtures in the Rig Data spreadsheet, or duplicate all the fixtures in a chosen position.
The shrewd use of Duplicate Fixtures can greatly speed up the initial inputting of rig data where sequences of fixtures are repeated many times in different positions.
After clicking the toolbar button, the following dialog will appear:
If you wish to duplicate specific fixtures, select them in the Rig Data first then click the ‘Duplicate Selected’ Fixtures radio button. If you wish to duplicate all the fixtures in a specific position, click the ‘Duplicate Position’ radio button, and select the position to be duplicated from the drop-down list of positions.
Clear Channel/Fixture numbers
When this checkbox is checked, the Channel and Fixture number will be cleared for the duplicated fixtures. The default option.
Offset new Channel/Fixture By
If this checkbox is checked, the Clear Channel/Fixture numbers checkbox will be automatically unchecked It is not possible to set both options on. The edit field to the right of the checkbox will be enabled to allow you to enter an offset value. The offset value will be applied to each duplicated fixture’s channel and fixture number (only if they have a channel or fixture number). The offset value will be added to each duplicated channel/fixture number if it is a positive value, while negative offset value will be subtracted from the channel/fixture number.
For example:
Source Channels 101, 102, 103
With an offset of 10
Duplicated Channels 111, 112, 113
Source Channels 101, 102, 103
With an offset of -10
Duplicated Channels 91, 92, 93
This feature is useful if entering Rig Data with a systematic channel numbering scheme. For example, top light on Truss 1 is channels 11-15, on truss 2, channels 21-25 and truss 3, channels 31-35.
‘Assign Position’
With this checkbox checked, you can specify in the combo box to the right, the position you wish to assign to the duplicated fixtures. You can either type in the name of the position, or choose from the drop-down list. With this option disabled, the duplicated fixtures will have the same position as the source fixtures.
‘Reverse Unit Numbers’
When this checkbox is checked, the unit numbers of the duplicated fixtures will be the same range of unit numbers as the source fixtures, but in the reverse order. If this option is used in combination with the ‘Renumber Unit Numbers starting at’ option, then the newly assigned unit numbers will be in the reverse order for the duplicated fixtures.
‘Renumber Unit Numbers starting at’
This option allows you to specify a new starting unit number to be assigned to the duplicated fixtures. Each duplicated fixture will increment the unit number by 1. Remember you can use this option in combination with the ‘Reverse Unit Numbers’ option.
‘Clear Patch’
When this option is checked, all DMX addresses (Fixture, Intensity, Colour, Beam and Supply) will be cleared (un-patched). Generally it is a good idea to check this option, otherwise you will end up with duplicated DMX addresses in the Rig Data. Duplicated or overlapping DMX addresses will be highlighted in red in the main Rig Data view.
‘Assign to Universe’
When this option is checked, the text field to the right will be enabled to allow you to enter a universe identifier (i.e. ‘A’ or ‘1’) for the duplicated fixtures base DMX address. This option will clear the DMX patch for the Intensity, Colour, Beam and Supply.
This feature can be useful when entering rig data for shows where identically rigged positions have identical DMX Addresses, but on different DMX Universes. For example, Universe 1 controls Truss 1, Universe 2 controls Truss 2 etc.