Manage Scripts Dialog

The ‘Manage Scripts’ dialog allows you to configure how a script is run. The table columns are as follows:


The names is the name of the script. This is determined by the file name of the script text file.

Trigger Type

A script can be triggered several ways. In this column you can choose how a script is triggered. Currently only Menu, Key, EOS Macro, grandMA2 Macro, PresetDoc Preset Selection and PresetDoc Channel Selection trigger types work.

  • Menu – The script name will appear in the Scripts menu and by choosing the menu item will trigger the script to be run.
  • Key – A script assigned to a key will be triggered when a keyboard key is pressed. This will only happen when you are not entering text into a field or table. When the trigger type is set to key, the ‘Trigger Capture’ button will be enabled. This allows you to capture which key you wish to use as the trigger.
  • EOS Macro – A script can be triggered when a macro is run on an EOS Family console. The trigger value will be the macro number. This will only work when you are connected to the console via a network connection that is configured to use the OSC protocol.
  • grandMA2 Macro – A script can be triggered when a macro is run on an grandMA2 console. The trigger value will be the macro number. This will only work when you are connected to the console via a network connection that is configured and connected.
  • PresetDoc Preset Selection – (v1.3.2 onwards) – The script will be triggered when the preset selection changes in the Preset Documentation view.
  • PresetDoc Channel Selection – (v1.3.2 onwards) – The script will be triggered when the preset selection changes in the Preset Documentation view.

Trigger Value

This column will show the value specific to the trigger type. When the trigger type is EOS Macro or grandMA2 Macro, you can double click the cell to edit to enter a macro number.

Output Window

For some scripts you will want a window to send output text to so that you can save it later. If you want an output window then you just need to check the enable checkbox.


This column displays where the script is located. Currently scripts are only located within the scripts folders.

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