Text, placeholders, and graphics added to a report template are collectively known as elements.

Elements are added to a template by clicking on a drawing toolbar button, and then clicking on the desired location on the report template paper space. Every time a new element is added, it is given a unique internal name, such as ‘Text1’ or ‘Rectangle3’. This name may be edited to something more descriptive in the ‘Internal name’ field under ‘Properties’, but must remain unique.

Internal name

Elements can be preceded with a special prefix which controls how often that text will appear on a page, and subsequent pages, and endows the text with special functionality.

The prefix is added to the element internal name. Every prefix ends in an underscore character. In the example below, an element with the internal name ‘Text1’ is prefixed with Row_.

See Prefixes for information on the Row_, and other prefixes.

Prefix example

The text or placeholder to be printed is entered in to the text box in ‘Properties’. It may also be edited by double clicking on any element in the report template.

In the simple report template example below, every channel in Rig Data will be printed, one below another, each on a separate row.


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