Report Designer has its own menu and toolbar structure.

New Report
Opens the ‘Report Preferences window’ in preparation for creating a new report.

Open Report
Opens a file browser window to search for and open a layout file with the extension .lhf.
The pre-defined Moving Light Assistant report templates are stored in the ‘Report Layout Templates’ folder in the application folder.

Saves a layout file.
There is no ‘Save As’ function. Use your computer’s regular file handling to create copies of layout files and give them alternate names if required.

Report Preferences
If a report layout is open for editing, opens the ‘Report Preferences window’. If no report is open this button performs no function.
Use New Report to reach the same window. See Report Preferences.

New Page
If a report layout is open for editing, this adds a new page to the report. You will be given the option of starting the new page as a copy of the existing page, or as a blank page. Two page reports are typically used where the report contains a cover page before the main body of the report.

Copy and Paste
Standard clipboard operations.

Print and Print Current
Prints the report template to the selected printer. This does not print the reports themselves, that is performed through Report Preview Tab in the main Moving Light Assistant toolbar.

Close Designer
Closes the ‘Report Designer’. If changes have been made to the template, you will be prompted to save the changes.

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