Report Preferences – General

In the General tab, the fields ‘Title’ and ‘Internal name’ are in bold and are the only mandatory fields in this window.

A Descriptive name for the report. This name will be suggested as a file name when the template is saved, but the suggestion does not have to be accepted, and any file name can be chosen.

Internal Name
Must contain one of the following phrases, exactly as written, depending on what type of report is being produced:

  • _Rig Data
  • Cue List
  • Wheel Load
  • Channel Usage
  • Preset Doc
  • Cue Moves_

This field is a pointer to the ‘Report Designer’ as to where in Moving Light Assistant it should look for the data, and provides some ground rules on how it should be handled.

Other fields in this window are not obligatory, and may be used or ignored as desired.

Report Preferences – Page Tab

In the Page tab, enter details of the page size and orientation. Define the borders. ‘Report Designer’ will display the paper area as a white background, and the area defined by the borders by a blue square. If the grid is enabled, it will only be displayed within the border area.

Report Preferences – Picture Tab

In the Picture tab, the checkbox should be checked.

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