With a cue, group of cues, or range of cues selected, additional cue information can be entered in the ‘Cue Information’ area on the right-hand side of the screen.
To select a cue, simply click anywhere on the relevant spreadsheet row. Groups of cues may be selected by clicking rows with the CTRL key depressed, a range of cues by selecting the first and last row with the SHIFT key depressed. Selected cues will be highlighted in orange.
Images can only be viewed, added or edited when a single cue is selected.
Information which may be added includes:
• Act and Sc – The Act and Scene number that the cue is in.
• Scene – The name of the scene.
• Set – The set on stage during the cue.
• Notes – A description of lighting changes in the cue perhaps.
• Up to four images per cue.
It is possible to edit photographs and draw graphics (annotations) and ‘focus pools’ just as it is in Preset Documentation. For full details on adding images and taking photographs, see the chapter Working with Photographs.
The Images can be zoomed bigger by clicking on the Zoom button, or by pressing Z on the keyboard.