A component site is a place, usually a facility owned by the sponsoring institution or agency, where a System Sponsored Program offers one or more CPE programs.


  1. A component site is independently accredited, but is linked to its system through corporate ownership
  2. A system program may establish a new component site through the Provisional Accreditation process.
  3. Provisional approval is subject to review and final action of the Accreditation Commission.
  4. Accredited Programs merging with a System Sponsored Program will request accreditation as a component of the System Center once they merge with the System Sponsored Center. See System Center under Types of Accreditation.

To Establish a New Component Site

  1. System Sponsored Program:
    1. Initiates the Provisional Accreditation process.
    2. uploads a revised administrative plan, demonstrating how the new component is linked to the system program to the system program portfolio;
    3. establishes a complete portfolio for the component site for review in accordance with the provisional accreditation process
  2. A Commission Reviewer will be assigned by the Accreditation Commission Chair and will bring a recommendation(s) to the Commission. (see Commission Actions).