This policy describes a process that is designed to ensure that personal monies spent on ACPE affairs are reimbursed in a fair and consistent manner, in accordance with ACPE policy.
Reimbursement of business expenses is strictly limited to the following:
- members of the Board of Directors;
- members of a Commission, Committee, or Work Group/Task Force, and others doing work of the Association on their behalf (e.g. Accreditation Site Team members);
- other members of ACPE representing the Association, with approval of the Board of Directors;
- speakers for educational sessions; and
- ACPE management
The Executive Director must approve, in advance, all travel and speaking engagements of the ACPE management team. By coordinating all such events, the Executive Director can ensure the appropriate staffing levels and the most effective use of personnel to support ACPE programs, goals, and objectives.
Volunteers and ACPE management are encouraged to be conservative when traveling on ACPE business. This includes booking flights for early discounts and other cost-saving measures. While the range of expenditures shall understandably vary with geographic locations, choices for lodging, meals, and other expenses shall be reasonable and not extravagant.
Volunteers and ACPE management traveling on ACPE business shall be reimbursed for the cost of transportation, meals, lodging, and incidental expenses within specific policy limitations, found in the Travel Policy within this ACPE Financial Policy.
Requests for reimbursement must be submitted via the electronic expense reimbursement system employed by ACPE, available through the ACPE website. If you are in an ACPE leadership role, and are not able to access or engage the on-line system, please consult with the ACPE Business Manager. Use of paper forms for reimbursement is limited to necessity, e.g. when travelers experience technical difficulties accessing the system.
ACPE management is responsible for reviewing, approving, and accounting for all expense reimbursement requests submitted by ACPE’s volunteer leadership. If an expense claimed by a member is excessive, it shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Director. If the Executive Director agrees, the information shall be shared with the Treasurer. If they, too, deem the expense excessive, the Treasurer shall communicate with the individual.
If the reimbursement request requires adjustment, ACPE management shall make the appropriate corrections in keeping with ACPE Financial policy prior to approving the expense report. ACPE management shall send communication to the traveler explaining any changes in the reimbursement. This letter shall be sent via email, but under separate cover from payment, and a copy shall be retained to attach to the expense report.
The Executive Director shall approve all management reimbursement requests; the Treasurer shall approve reimbursement expenses submitted by the Executive Director.