The following operating principles indicate the conduct of CoPs within ACPE and are intended to assist members to clarify their expectation of each other and the community.

  • Members expect to encounter at least one new learning from each meeting.
  • Members contribute regularly to the community by contributing to discussion and engaging with other community members in dialogue.
  • Views expressed are those of individual practitioner members.
  • Privacy and confidentiality are maintained within the community.
  • Members are encouraged to use online and other remote learning technology to encourage effective engagement by others.
  • Participation in an unlimited number of ACPE CoPs is a benefit of membership in the ACPE, Inc.
  • A summary/record of all discussions is made available to members within an agreed-to period of time after each meeting.
  • Meeting dates must be publicized at least one month in advance. A calendar of events is available on the ACPE website.
  • The position of Convener, and other leadership roles within, will be selected by a process and rotate on a timeline as determined by the CoP’s members.