Rubrics are descriptive and not evaluative. While rubrics can be used to evaluate, the main idea is that one should match the performance to the description rather than evaluate it. The main purpose of a rubric is to assess performance. This can be done through direct observation of an aspirant or observing the product of an aspirant’s work. The project is not “scored” in the traditional sense; theory projects are “accepted” when the mentor and the committee determine that it successfully addresses the rubric. Aspirants may still have edits to make to their projects after they have been accepted by the committee.
A rubric will help aspirants to:
- Understand expectations and components of the Theory Integration Project
- Become more aware of their learning process and progress
- Improve their work through timely and detailed feedback
A rubric will help educators and mentors to:
- Guide the aspirant through the development process and help them to prepare for submission of the project
The rubric is divided into multiple sections:
- Overall Presentation Attributes
- Specific Educational Theory Components
- Specific Personality Theory Components
- Specific Spiritual Belief System Components
The rubric utilizes two levels of performance:
- Emerging: This describes a basic level of understanding and is the level at which aspirants often begin their journey.
- Competent: This describes the level of understanding that is required for an aspirant to move forward in the supervisory process.