Any changes to the Manuals will be listed here along with the effective date of the change.


May 9, 2024

The Accreditation Commission and Certification Commission have expanded the possible scenarios for hybrid CEC programs. The revised requirements may be found in both the Accreditation Manual and the Certification Manual.

January 22,2024

Professional Ethics Manual Updates

Section III Time Limits for Filing Complaints
Section XII The Investigative Phase, B2 has been updated


August 1, 2023

The office address of ACPE has been update throughout the manuals to the new address:

ACPE, Inc.
1 Concourse Parkway, Suite 800
Atlanta, GA 30328

June 20, 2023

Evaluations for CEC’s have been clarified on the Portfolio Materials and Evaluation page:

February 23, 2023

The process for becoming National Faculty for those certified after January 1, 2018, is now under the auspices of the Certification Commission.

Prior to becoming a member of the National Faculty, an educator must demonstrate a minimum of 50% of the competencies in each domain of the identified competencies. Interested educators will complete the National Faculty Competency Assessment Form in preparation for a National Faculty Review Meeting.


November 30, 2023

The Board of Directors approved a change to the composition of the Certification Commission membership.

November 16, 2023

Clarification of Portfolio Materials and Evaluation:


April 4, 2022

The following clarification has been added to the Certification Manual Admissions Process Overview:

March 23, 2022

Policy to Ensure Fitness and Wellness of Educators and Students has been added as an appendix to the Professional Ethics Manual

March 22, 2022

Additional item added to Portfolio Materials and Evaluation.

Portfolio materials must include: 2. A detailed educational plan (including projected timeline) for Phases I and II.

February 10, 2022

Progressive Autonomy in Educating Under Supervision:

The page and chart have been updated to reflect the clarifications to the Theory Integration Project and Presentation Process

Theory Integration Project and Presentation Process

January 27, 2022

The Restoration to Active Status for ACPE Certified Educators has been revised.


September 1, 2021

End of Phase I Assessment of Competencies

A face-to-face interview (via Zoom) is now specified as required rather than as an option.

April 15, 2021

Review of Educational /Supervisory Competence

The Certification Commission has revised the Review of Educational/Supervisory Competence process.

January 12, 2021

CPE-Related Educational Activities

The Certification Commission has defined CPE-related educational activities to support those who are not actively supervising.


October 14, 2020

Certification Manual Clarifications/Updates

Clarifications in relation to the completion of the Competency Assessment form for Admissions, Phase I, and Phase II.

Clarifications to Competency Assessment Form Process (See Portfolio Materials and Evaluation, End of Phase I Assessment of Competencies, and End of Phase II Assessment of Competencies for more information)

Clarification of Evaluations for CECs

June 10, 2020

Revised funding request timeline in the CoP Manual.

February 12, 2020

The Leave of Absence policy in the New Certification Process has been revised and may be found on the Continuation in the Certification Process page.

Guidelines for Portfolio Materials have been added


October 17, 2019

New Leave of Absence from the Certification Process policy goes into effect on January 1, 2020.

July 16, 2019

Details about the 6 Year Site Visit Plan have been added.

Updated July 9, 2019

The following item was added to End of Unit Evaluations:

Students must write a final self-evaluation at the conclusion of the unit.

June 13, 2019

There is a new Use of Clinical Materials Consent Form that has been created and should be used for the start of the next unit. After consultation with our attorney, our original consent form has been modified and is now required to be signed by all students prior to formal admission and at the start of each subsequent unit. This applies to all units, not just those that will be led by a CEC.

This new consent form will inform students that their materials (with personal information redacted) may be used, without notice to them, for specifically defined ACPE processes, including Certification, Peer Review, Accreditation, and ACPE approved research studies.

See also Permission for the Use of a Student’s Clinical Materials in the Certification Manual.
See also Requirements for Admission in the Accreditation Manual.

April 22, 2019

Publication of the NEW PROCESS: 2020 Accreditation Manual. Centers participating in accreditation reviews in 2019 will continue to follow the 2016 Manual; The new manual takes effect on January 1, 2020.

March 20, 2019

Expanded the section on Theory Integration Presentation Overview, specifically The Process and The Product and The Presentation.

February 27, 2019

Becoming a National Faculty Member page of the Certification Manual added.

January 2, 2019

Expansion of Progressive Autonomy in Educating Under Supervision.


December 2016

Appendix 7B Requirements for Student Records
Clarification of which documents need to be kept for 10 years and which documents must be kept indefinitely.

Appendix 7D-1 Supervisor’s Evaluation Cover Sheet
Based on feedback from supervisors, language was added in the top section to more clearly identify level/outcomes. Please remember that as of January 1, 2016, this cover sheet is to be used on all final evaluations.

January 2017

Change in Definition of Terms

Preceptor(s)/Mentor(s) — A contextually relevant professional(s) practicing in and recognized by the clinical placement site and the ACPE Certified Educator. The preceptor/mentor must review the ACPE preceptor orientation presentation prior to the start of a unit.

Responsibilities of the Preceptor/Mentor:

  • Orient the student to your placement site and ensure that the student understands the context for this placement.
  • Address student’s questions and learning needs about the placement site.
  • Communicate with the ACPE Certified Educatoron a regular basis about the fulfillment of the student’s administrative obligations and the responsibilities outlined in the clinical site agreement. This includes the student’s clinical work, work habits and investment in the learning process at the placement site.

The ACPE Preceptor Orientation Presentation may be found on the Accreditation page of the ACPE website.

February 2017

The following apply to ACPE as a whole and are part of each of the Manuals:

Mission Statement

To positively affect people’s lives by nurturing connections to the sacred through experiential education and spiritual care.

Vision Statement

To create measurable and appreciable improvement in spiritual health that transforms people and communities in the US and across the globe.

May 2017

Please note that pre-accredited status does not constitute pre-accreditation as defined by the U.S. Department of Education, and as such, centers with this designation do not qualify for any type of federal funding related to accreditation.

August 2017 – Changes to Standards and Accreditation Manuals

Removed references to Regions (for Accreditation, these geographical divisions will be known as Areas)

Changes in titles:

ACPE Supervisor = ACPE Certified Educator
Associate Supervisor = Associate ACPE Certified Educator
Supervisory Candidate = Certified Educator Candidate

Changes in nomenclature:

Supervisory CPE = Certified Educator CPE
Regional Accreditation Chairs = Area Accreditation Chairs

February 2018

413.6 participating in peer review at least every three years in accordance with ACPE guidelines.

New versions of Appendix 5, Parts I & II have been added to the Accreditation Manual Appendices

Clarification of Commission Actions related to the Annual Report

May 2018

1. Centers are no longer required to obtain a Letter of Good Financial Standing from the ACPE office for a review. The office will monitor financial standing and will alert the appropriate individuals if there is an issue of concern.

2. The timeline for the Site Team Reports has been clarified and will be clearly established for each site visit with specific dates noted:

  • The Part I Report is due to the Center 14 days after the conclusion of the site visit.
  • The Center’s Response to the Part I Report is due to the National Site Team Chair 44 days after the conclusion of the site visit (30 days after the 14 day period for receipt of the Part I Report ends).
  • The Part II Report is due to the Center 58 days after the conclusion of the site visit (14 days after the 30 day period for the Center’s Response ends).

Please note that both the center and the site team may respond sooner than the stated timeline, but that does not alter the timeline for the response from the other party. If both parties are in agreement, responses may be provided sooner.

June 2018

The New Certification Process Manual is now available.

August 1, 2018

The Accounting and Financial Procedures Manual is now online.

November 12, 2018

Commission voted to remove the following from the section on adding a satellite:
Accredited centers with previously established Satellite Programs may submit the contract for the addition of other satellite programs 14 days (postmarked) before the unit will commence if the student handbook for the new Satellite Program differs from previously approved handbooks only with respect to site-specific information.

November 29, 2018

Clarification on evaluations for CEC’s in the new process has been added.
Formal written evaluations for CEC’s will be written a minimum of every 6 months and will be focused on competencies.

December 3, 2018

Change to ACPE Certified Educator Certification Policies: Removed the option for a local area meeting; the only options to meet the Certification Commission are at the national meetings.