For an accredited program wishing to become an Accredited System program, a revision of materials and a full accreditation review site visit (including a National Site Team Chair, ACPE Certified Educator, and a practitioner) must take place. The site visit will shift the program’s accreditation cycle to begin anew upon achieving Accredited System Program status.


  1. Consult with your assigned commissioner to initiate the process and notify ACPE of your intent by completing the Accreditation Review Request Form. Be sure to clearly identify the name of the proposed program.
  2. Complete a Self-study that focuses on the transition from an Accredited Member to a System Program. This must include a feasibility study for each new component site.
  3. Update materials to reflect the vantage point of a System Program/component structure
    1. rationale and objectives for CPE at each site.
    2. evaluation of administrative structure and support needed to meet ACPE standards and center’s capacity to meet them, including description of professional advisory group’s involvement.
    3. evaluation of effectiveness and function of clinical and educational resources.
    4. review and update of policies and procedures needed for function of CPE programs in the context of a System Program.
    5. assessment of strengths and limitations of center and each CPE program, identifying unique qualities of the center and the educational programs, including limitations.
    6. review and revision of student handbook for each program and each component site and the full set of portfolio materials.

All materials are to be uploaded to the program’s portfolio for review no later than 60 days prior to the site visit.