Change in Student Units and Student Unit Fees for Certified Educator Candidates

As of January 1, 2019, CEC programs transitioned away from individual units of CPE to a structure that requires yearly enrollment. This means that a CEC that is in the Certification Process will not enroll in units of Certified Educator CPE, but rather participate in a yearly continuation of their educational journey. In the new structure, ACPE Certified Educators will no longer register Certified Educator CPE units for their CECs, but rather the center will pay a yearly fee that will be included on their annual invoice.

New Fee Structure

Application Fee

For students applying to the ACPE Certification Process, there is a $350 application fee that is payable upon submission of the Application Form. It is refundable if an applicant is not accepted to the ACPE Certification Process, minus a $100 processing fee.

Yearly Fee

The yearly fee for CEC registration is $850. This will be billed to the program as part of their annual bill.

Integration Interview Fee

The fee for the Integration interview is $500. This fee is payable prior to the scheduling of the Integration Interview. If the CEC is successful in their interview, this fee will be applied to the newly ACPE Certified Educator’s first year of membership dues.