For those persons who were fully certified prior to December 31, 2018


ACPE Certified Educators who were fully certified as of December 31, 2018 are automatically included as members of the National Faculty.


Educators must complete the Core Curriculum for Certified Educator Candidates. This may be done in conjunction with their CECs or on their own. Educators will upload their responses to the guiding questions for each video to their portfolios to demonstrate completion.

For those persons certified after January 1, 2019


ACPE Certified Educators who are certified after January 1, 2019, have the option of becoming a member of the National Faculty one year after their certification as an ACPE Certified Educator or one year after they have completed their post certification professional development plan and have been designated as National Faculty Eligible.


Prior to becoming a member of the National Faculty, an educator must demonstrate a minimum of 50% of the competencies in each domain of the identified competencies. Interested educators will complete the National Faculty Competency Assessment Form in preparation for a National Faculty Review Meeting.

Ongoing Maintenance for all National Faculty

To remain in good standing as a National Faculty Member, persons must:

  1. Demonstrate achievement in the remaining competencies from the National Faculty Competency Assessment Form. This does not need to be done within a specific time frame, but rather should be seen as a plan for continued professional growth that will be reviewed as part of the Peer Review Process.
  2. Be part of an ongoing peer group, Community of Practice, or training consortium with other National Faculty.
  3. Give demonstration of Professional Development through their continuing education with particular attention to:
  • Cultural and Spiritual Diversity
  • Theories of Education
  • New Paradigms in Spiritual Care
  • Research in Spiritual Care and Education

National Faculty will record their continuing education each year as part of their portfolio.