Section 5.01, Number and Qualifications.
From time to time, the Board may appoint a person or persons to represent the Association in other organizations or associations where it is deemed beneficial for ACPE. The current appointments [2017] include: Journal of Pastoral Care Publications Board of Managers (nominated by the Leadership Development Committee [LDC]); Joint Commission on Accreditation of Pastoral Services (nominated by LDC); and, Commission on Ministry in Specialized Settings [COMISS] Network (Chair, Chair-elect/Past-Chair, and Executive Director).

In addition, the Board may appoint a person or persons to further the mission of ACPE in ways which are not assigned to other entities within the Association. The current appointments [2017] include: History Coordinator and International Liaison.

Annually the Board of Directors will participate in training on Accreditation standards, policies and procedures.

Section 5.05, Meetings.
The Board shall meet at least two times a year at a time and place determined by the Board. The Annual Meeting of the Board will be held in conjunction with the Annual Conference. A regular meeting of the Board will be held in the Fall [Per Board action Spring 2000, Motion #7: Effective 2003; timing revised per board, effective Spring 2009].

The proposed Board agenda, along with all available reports, should be received by Board members no less than two weeks in advance of each board meeting [Spring 1995, Motion 14].