- Added dedicated Path Length image and feature measurements
- Added ability to measure the exact floating-point Euclidean distance map as a Feature Image Intensity measurement
- Feature Measurements > Intercepts options have been changed from radiobuttons to checkboxes, such that “Along Vector” and “Through Centroid” can both be selected. (Example Use Case: Measure horizontal dimension through feature centroid.)
- Expanded the “Circle Click” drawing tool to accept multiple reference points as input. A single point produces a circle with diameter equal to the current pen size. Two points produces a circle with diameter spanning between these two points. Three points produces the exact circle corresponding to these three points. Four or more points produces the circle which best matches these points (least-squared-error method).
- Can now merge multiple sessions at once.
- Image tools (zoom, pan, distance, etc) no longer toggle off when activating them a second time. For windows which require the ability to turn these off, a new “pointer” tool has been added which does this.
- Guided manual measurement recipes have been added to the Recipe Templates. If auto-updating to v4.2.2.x, you will receive a notice to download and install the new templates after first launch.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with replacing referencing images in non-portable sessions.
- Fixed bug which could allow for adding a local measurement dependent on Companion Image to a Layer above the Companion Image.
- Fixed issue with merging multiple sessions one after the other.
- Fixed bug where Pen would draw closed curves in Manual Edit.
- Fixed bug where ID tool in Image Processor would leave behind outlines when clicked while active.
- Fixed bug where IP would launch off-center.
- Fixed warning in log file about “MATLAB Connector not started” when zooming or panning.
- Dynamic scale factors now properly calculate on recipe load in Image Processor.
- Recipes with dynamic scale factor calibration now load properly in Batch Processor and Real-Time Processor.
- Channel Operations generated by Color Deconvolution now use “Normalize Top” overflow prevention.
- Improved error handling when a camera becomes unplugged.
See new features released in v4.2.0
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