Edit > Crop Image
Crops the image to a sub-area of the previous image. Dimensions are listed as X: upper left corner, Y: upper left corner, with of crop box, height of crop box.
1. Adjust crop area
Click and drag the blue box to adjust the crop area. Click “Accept” when finished.
2. Interruptible in batch
If this box is checked and the recipe is run in batch, recipe execution will pause and the crop dialog will automatically open, allowing manual adjustment of the crop area for each image. Clicking “Accept” will cause recipe execution to resume.
3. Enter Dimensions
Manually enter or adjust the desired crop box dimensions as the (X,Y) position of the upper left corner, and the box width and height.
Crops the image to the perimeter of the features nearest to the image edges.
Apply Last
Requires a previous Crop Image step
Crops the image using the area defined in the last Crop Image step in the recipe.
- Recipe building is smoothest when all image cropping and resizing is done in the beginning of the recipe.
- When working with large images, to improve performance, crop the image, optimize the recipe and remove the crop step when complete.
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