There are two commands that can be sent to the REST API using a POST call: process
and activate
Start the MIPAR REST API Docker image
- With docker hub running, execute the command
docker run -it -p <PORT> <IMAGE>
- The
can be set by the user, for example8000:8000
and the<IMAGE>
is specific to the API version and Windows Edition, for examplemipar-api:1.0.4.w.2004
Activate command
The activate
command is used to activate a product key, note: trial key file (.V2C) can be applied using instructions here: LINK
Format the HTTP activate
POST /activation HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 71
{ "ip":<HOST IP>, "pk": <PRODUCT KEY>}
Format HTTP CURL activate
curl --location --request POST 'http://<HOST IP>:8000/activation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "ip":<HOST IP>, "pk": <PRODUCT KEY> }'
Activate command output
Returns the following JSON structure:
"flag": <STATUS>,
"message": [<MESSAGE>]
is 0 when the license was activated successfully and 1 when it failed
is empty when the license was activated successfully and an error string when activation failed
Process command
The process
command is used to apply a specified recipe to a specified image.
key can be set with a value of true
or false
to enable or disable the binary image output
Format HTTP CURL process
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/process' \
--form 'image=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'recipe=@"/path/to/file"'
--form 'binary = "true"'
Process command output
See JSON Output: LINK
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