Edit > Sparsely Sample Image
Generate a Random distribution or regular Grid of pixels on a blank image. Can be done randomly with a specified retained percentage or in a regular grid with specified pixel spacing.
1. Method
- Random: Use random sampling to produce sparse image
- Grid: Sparsely sample using regularly-spaced grid. Can be used to generate horizontal or vertical lines by setting the X Axis Value to 1 or Y Axis Value to 1 respectively. For example, X value of 1 and Y value of 5 will result in a horizontal line every 5 pixels using the step method.
2. X Axis Value
Define either the step size, or number values.
3. X Axis Method
- Step: set space between selected pixels (black).
- Number: set a specified number of points per side.
4. Y Axis Value
Define either the step size, or number values.
5. Y Axis Method
- Step: set space between selected pixels (black).
- Number: set a specified number of points per side.
6. Link X and Y Method
Used to unlink the X and Y Methods allowing the grid to use different methods for the X and Y axis. For example, X axis can use a set number of points and Y axis can use regular spacing.
7. Random Rate
Percentage of pixels to select (black) vs total pixels in the image.
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