Segmentation > Manual Edit
Opens the Current Image in an editor which allows for manual edits to its segmentation. Here you can add missed features and remove artifacts. Also useful for manually defining a region of interest (ROI), which when set in a memory image, can be used to restrict your feature selection to a certain area in the image.
This function requires the previous step to produce a segmentation, not a grayscale image. Accordingly, it also cannot be the first step in a recipe; to achieve a similar effect, precede it with a Segmentation -> Blank step.
1. Selection Tools
- Magic Wand: Click a point to magic-wand select a region around it based on the surrounding grayscale pixel values. Tolerance defines how different neighboring pixel intensities can be included in the region. Higher tolerance leads to larger regions.
- Pen: Click, drag, and release to fill/erase a pen (freehand line) selection
- Line: Click, drag, and release to fill/erase a straight line selection
- Select: Click a feature to fill/erase it.
- Freehand: Click, drag, and release to fill/erase a freehand selection. Selection closes automatically.
- Circle Click: Click a point to define a center of circular selection (pixel diameter of circles is determine by Pen Size). Click 2 or 3 points (double-click the last) to define a circle which intersects them.
- Ellipse: Click, drag, and release to fill/erase an elliptical/circular selection
- Outline: Fill/erase a polygon area by clicking to create nodes. Click the last node to close the polygon.
- Box: Click, drag, and release to fill/erase a rectangular/square selection
2. Tool Settings
Context-aware settings show based on the active tool. Pen Size sets line thickness for Pen and Line, and diameter for 1-click Circle Click. Tolerance sets sensitivity of Magic Wand. Snap settings are described here.
3. Tool Mode
- Fill: Fill the selection (make it black in B/W view)
- Erase: Erase the selection (make it white in B/W view)
4. Options
- Separate Selection: Ensure newly drawn features are separated from their surroundings
- Invert Selection: Invert the current selection tool operation (select/erase everything else)
- Include Contacted: Include entire features that even partially contact the current selection
5. Undo
- Undo Undo the last fill/erase operation
6. Reset
Clears all edits, both fills and erasures, made to the selection.
7. Reset on Load
Clears manual edits each time the recipe is applied to a new image (or re-loaded on an image in the Image Processor).
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