Simple Recipe Mode collapses the Recipe display, showing only flagged steps and layers. This enables the Recipe end-user to easily ignore most steps and make adjustments only to important ones, without having to search through the entire Recipe. In addition, the Layers panel allows users to view and edit Layers with a much more streamlined feel.
1a. Switching Recipe Mode
To enable Simple Recipe Mode, the Recipe must have at least one layer. If it does, clicking the Lock icon will toggle between Simple and Detail Recipe Mode.
1b. Password Protection
Password protection keeps a Recipe from being switched from Simple to Detail Mode, prevents measurements from being added or removed, and prevents scale factor modification. Flagged steps exposed in Simple Mode will still be editable.
To set a password, right-click on the lock icon and select “Lock with Password”.
To open a locked Recipe, either left-click or right-click on the lock icon and enter the password when prompted. The Recipe Mode can then be switched back and forth without a password until the Recipe is re-loaded.
To change the password or remove the need for a password completely, right-click on the lock icon of an unlocked recipe and select “Edit Password …” or “Clear Password”.
2. Detection
The Detection panel shows flagged steps. These steps can be edited or optimized (if applicable) by either double-clicking, right-clicking and selecting “Edit…” or “Optimize…”, or selecting the step and using the Optimize or Edit buttons.
3. Layers
The Layers panel shows all layers in the Recipe . Specific layers can be shown or hidden from the Current Image pane by toggling the check box by each layer. Each layer’s color and name can also be changed in this panel by clicking on them.
4. Measurements
The Measurements panel displays all the measurements currently present in the Recipe and allows measurements to be added, modified, and run.
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