- Included new Report Generator templates with fields for curve fit outputs. You will be prompted to replace current templates on first launch of v4.0.1.0.
- Apply Model will no longer force a minimum size factor.
- Measure Feature tool added to Session Processor
- Uniform Erosion and Uniform Dilation can now be performed by non-integer amounts.
- Curve fitting now reports Mode.
- In the Session Processor, added arrow key shortcuts to change the current image (left/right) and active layer (up/down).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed occasional bug in Local Measurements that would prevent re-generating a measurement after changing the X-axis limits.
- Clearing a session now properly cleared the selected measurements.
- Displayed calibration properties panel now positioned properly in the Session Processor.
- When editing feature measurements from the Session Processor, changing the companion image will no longer undo changes in measurement selection.
- Removed error tone when clicking on the background of the Measurement > Select Layers window.
- Fixed bug where multiple copies of reference images would get saved in [Session Folder] > ref during portable session creation from a batch process.
- Fixed bug with displaying the reference image when crop steps are included in the recipe.
- Fixed bug with running Grayscale Reconstruction > Inpainting with GPU Computation on.
- Show on histogram now properly tracks with a sorted measurement table.
- Feature measurements generated in the Session Processor now respect layer selection.
- The Session Processor distance tool now displays in physical units if there is a scale factor present.
- Fixed bug with changing bin size would remove curve fit without unchecking the Fit Curve checkbox.
- In the Session Processor, removed bug when cancelling a draw operation with the Escape key.
See new features released in v4.0.0
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