Edit > Resize Image
Resizes the image to the new dimensions, or by a size factor.
1. Dimensions
Resize image to new dimensions
- X: Enter new X-dimension. Leave blank (if Y is not) to maintain aspect ratio.
- Y: Enter new Y-dimension. Leave blank (if X is not) to maintain aspect ratio.
2. Size Factor
Resize by a multiplicative size factor (e.g., a size factor of 0.5 will reduce both X and Y dimensions by half)
Automatic Scale Adjustment
- In the Image Processor, when adding or removing a Resize step from a recipe, the scale will automatically adjust to compensate.
- In the Batch Processor, when loading an image where its scale is automatically read from its metadata, this scale will automatically be adjusted by the presence of Resize steps in the recipe.
- These adjustments apply to the entire recipe, even steps before the Resize step.
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