In K-Touch, a feedback is the opposite of a device driver. If a device driver determines what commands to send to a controlled device, a feedback deciphers the response commands from the controlled device into useable information.
Feedbacks can simply inform the user of the system status or can automatically make changes to the environment.

  • All feedbacks are located in the Feedbacks tab.
  • Assigning Feedbacks to a Device:
    All feedbacks must be assigned to a device to create a relationship between the device and its feedback.
  1. To assign the device, click on the Feedback and see its properties. For now, ignore all other properties besides ‘Device’.
  2. Open the dropdown and select the corresponding device from the list. (Note: The device must be in your Device tab to be visible)
  • Feedback Types
    Expanding a feedback reveals two different types, textual and numeric.
    • Use numeric feedbacks for information that can be represented as a number. An example of a numeric feedback would be volume level.
    • Use textual feedbacks for everything else, such as, power status, input selection, mute status, etc.
  • Numeric Feedbacks
  1. Expand numeric feedbacks to show the available numeric feedbacks for this 3rd party device. In the example below, the only available numeric feedback is volume.
  2. Expand volume feedback to expose another level of feedback, here called value. Typically, numeric feedbacks only contain a single value. In this case, the value is the volume level.

    Using numeric feedback in a project is explained in a separate article.
  • Textual Feedback
  1. Expand textual feedbacks to show the available textual feedbacks for this 3rd party device. In the example below, the only available textual feedback is input.
  2. Expand input to show the next level of feedback.

    The Kramer VP-773 has eight inputs, therefore input feedback has eight possible values, one for each input.
    Using feedback in a project is detailed in a separate article.
  • Querying
    For any feedback to function, the controlled device must respond with its required information. All products are different. Some products send out a response command whenever the product is changed. Other products need to be asked (queried) their status before replying.
    If a device requires a status query, set up your project to do so at appropriate times. Program ‘Get’ commands into button macros or poll a device automatically using entrances.