K-Touch supports iOS and Android mobile devices as its touch screens. While K-Touch natively supports many common Android devices, there are many on the market with different screen sizes and resolutions that cannot be covered. For this reason we offer the ability to create a custom Android handset that can be tailored to any Android powered mobile device.

  1. Open the K-Touch Builder and click add handset.
  1. Select Android and click Next.
  1. Select Android Custom and click finish.
  1. Determine the resolution of your Android device:
    To create a GUI that fits your device, we must tell the builder what the size of your device is.
    The easiest way to get this information is using our K-Touch app.
  • Download the K-Touch app from the Google Play Store and run it.
  • Go to settings and you find the device information shown below.
  1. Define your custom Android handset
    After creating the handset, customize this handset to the specific device you are using in the properties of the handset.
  • Screen Width (Portrait): In the portrait orientation of the device, how many pixels wide is the screen? Note: use the information from the previous step
  • Screen Height (Portrait): In the portrait orientation of the device, how many pixels high is the screen? Note: use the information from the previous step
  • Top Margin: Area at the top of the screen reserved by the operating system. Note: use the information from the previous step
  • Bottom Margin: Area at the bottom of the screen reserved by the operating system. Note: use the information from the previous step