Critical Forms

CIBMTR has identified the below forms as Critical. These forms capture critical data such as infusion, donor type and disease classification. If these forms are completed close to the actual infusion date, the subsequent forms triggered by critical forms will come due in a timelier manner. Forms completed in a timely manner will ensure specific study data, severe adverse infusion events, and product complaints, as well as data for participating registries, cord blood banks, and apheresis/collection centers are more readily available for use.


  • Critical Forms On Time: Complete ≥ 50% of forms with the due dates in the current trimester by the due date listed in FormsNet3
  • Critical Forms Due During the Previous Trimester: Complete ≥98% of forms with due dates in the previous trimester by the end of the current trimester
Forms Form Due Date
(April 2021 FN Release)
Indication for CRID Assignment Form (2814) CRID Registration Date + 30 days
Pre-TED (2400) Infusion Date + 30 days
Pre-Cellular Therapy Essential Data (4000) Infusion Date + 30 days
Disease Classification (2402) Infusion Date + 30 days
HCT Infusion Form (2006) Infusion Date + 45 days

Study Supplemental Forms

Participation in prospective studies is voluntary and requires a commitment from the transplant center Medical Director. If a center elects to participate in a study that requires additional (supplemental) forms to collect specific study data, CPI requirements will apply to these supplemental forms. In general, study supplemental forms should be submitted by the due date in FormsNet3 whenever possible.


  • Centers will be required to complete 100% of these forms by the end of the trimester following the due date to meet CPI standards.
Forms Visit Form Due Date
(July 2021 FN Release)
Tepadina® Supplemental Data Collection Form (2540) 100 day Infusion Date + 130 days
6 month Infusion Date + 225 days
1 year, 2 year Anniversary Date + 45 days
3, 4, 5 year Anniversary Date + 60 days
Inotuzumab Ozogamicin (Besponsa™) Supplemental Data Collection Form (2541) n/a Infusion Date + 30 days
Mogamulizumab (Poteligeo) Supplemental Data Collection Form (2542) 100 day Infusion Date + 130 days
6 month Infusion Date + 225 days
1 year, 2 year Anniversary Date + 45 days
Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg ™) Supplemental (2543) n/a Administration Date
Veno-occlusive Disease (VOD) /
Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (SOS) Supplemental Data Collection Form (2553)
100 day Infusion Date + 130 days
6 month Infusion Date + 225 days
CMS Registration Form (2554) n/a Infusion Date + 30 days
CMS – MF Myelofibrosis Eligibility Form (2555) n/a Infusion Date + 30 days
Myelofibrosis Pre-HCT Supplemental Data (2556) n/a Infusion Date + 30 days
CMS-SCD Sickle Cell Disease Eligibility Form (2558) n/a Infusion Date + 30 days

The following forms are currently excluded from CPI: Forms 2008, 2800, 2801, and 5000-5002.

Other Forms

For all other forms not classified as critical or study supplemental forms, CIBMTR monitors completion rates for two trimesters after the form’s due date.


  • Centers will be required to complete 95% of these forms by the end of the trimester following the due date to meet CPI standards.
Forms Form Due Date
(April 2021 FN Release)
Eligibility (2500)
Patient Contact (2820)
Infusion Date + 30 days
Pre-CT Baseline Form (4001) Infusion Date + 30 days
CT Product Form (4003)
CT Infusion Form (4006)
Infusion Date + 45 days
Gene Therapy Product (2003) Infusion Date + 45 days
Baseline (2000)
Infectious Disease Markers (2004)
HLA Typing (2005)
Pre-Infusion Disease / Infection (2010-2058)
Infusion Date + 60 days
100 Day Follow-up (2450, 2100, 4100, 4101)
100 Day Post-Infusion Disease / Infection Forms (2110-2158)
100 Day Chimerism Form (2451)
Infusion Date + 130 Days
6 Month Follow-up (2450, 2100, 4100, 4101)
6 Month Post-Infusion Disease / Infection Forms (2110-2158)
6 Month Chimerism Form (2451)
Infusion Date + 225 days
1 Year Follow up, 2 Year Follow-up
(2450, 2100, 4100, 4101)
1 Year Post-Infusion, 2 Year Post-Infusion Disease / Infection Forms (2110-2158)
1 Year, 2 Year Chimerism Form (2451)
Anniversary Date + 45 days
3+ Year Follow-up (2450, 2100, 4100, 4101)
3+ Year Post-Infusion Disease, Infection Forms (2110-2158)
Anniversary Date + 60 days
Secondary Neoplasm Form (3500)
Pregnancy Form (3501)
Event Date + 30 days
Death Form (2900) Death Date + 30 days
Donor Lymphocyte Infusion Form (2199) Date Reported + 30 days

Query Resolution

Queries may be placed on missing data or to verify inconsistent data, or when clarification and/or documentation is needed to confirm the reported data. Whenever possible, query resolution should occur within six weeks after placement of the query.

Currently, the query metric only includes queries placed on CIBMTR forms in the previous trimester. Beginning Trimester 1, 2025 (US = January 1, 2025 International = March 1, 2025), CIBMTR will be also including tool queries (queries placed on consent & the CRID assignment) to this category. Your center can view the queries on the FormsNet Home page, under the Query grid.


  • Resolve ≥95% of queries placed in the previous trimester.

Query Resources

Last modified: Jun 12, 2024