TCSA Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria for this dataset are based on center activity and patient characteristics. For a transplant to be included, it must be a patient’s first allogeneic transplant, it must have been given at a U.S. or select international center, and it must have at least one year of follow-up data submitted (or death reported). This means that 100% of allogeneic transplants must have completed forms 2814, 2400, and 2402 at minimum, and 90% of recipients must have 1-year survival data (or death reported).
It is important to recognize that one-year survival does not mean that the one-year form has been completed. This means there is a contact date that has been reported and it is at least 365 days after the transplant of interest. Patients reported on later than 335 days, but less than 365 days, will count towards the completeness of follow-up, but will not be factored into the survival statistics. Forms for subsequent transplants and/or cellular therapy may need to be completed to have sufficient follow-up for the first transplant.
If contact date is the only information the center has, it is permissible to report the most recent contact date using the Survival Tool (SUR). One-year survival is the only endpoint for this analysis. No attempts are made to incorporate other outcomes, such as relapse or disease-free survival.
If no follow-up data is submitted, the patient is included in total volume of HCTs, but not counted as surviving for one year. Patients who are “lost to follow-up (LTF)” earlier than one year will count against completeness.
TCSA Data and Variables
TCSA includes all Center Volume Data Report (CVDR) variables including:
- Transplant type
- Donor type
- Product
- Patient age
- Patient sex
- Patient race/ethnicity
- Disease subtype
- Disease status
Several other TCSA-specific variables are reported including:
- Transplant history
- Donor demographics
- Comorbid conditions (HCT-CI)
- CMV status
- Specific disease characteristics
Centers are provided with a data dictionary which includes all pre-HCT variables used in the analysis.
At 1-year post follow-up the following are reported:
- Survival status
- Most recent date of contact