Fee Schedule for Forms Completion

CIBMTR pays transplant centers for all completed Comprehensive Report Forms and Cellular Therapy Forms. Reporting of TED level data is not compensated, with the exception of the Form 2006 when requested for recipients on the TED track. Once a form is designated as “CMP” in the FormsNet application, the transplant center will be paid during the next payout time-point.

Forms are paid at the following rate:

Data Transmission Agreement / Master Healthcare Data and Sample Submission Agreement Fee Schedule

Form # Description Payment TIN1
Product Insert
Form 2006 HSCT Infusion $25* CIBMTR
Form 2003 Gene Therapy Product $25* CIBMTR
* Form 2006 and 2003 may be paid when requested by CIBMTR for those recipients not on the CRF track. No center will be paid twice for the same form.
Comprehensive Report Forms
Form 2000+ Recipient Baseline Form, plus disease specific inserts $135 CIBMTR
Form 2004+ Infectious Disease Markers (related donor only)
Form 2005+ Confirmation of HLA Typing (related donor only)
Form 2006+ HSCT Infusion Form
+ These four forms will be paid as a unit when all required forms are received.
Form 2100^ 100 Days Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $110 CIBMTR
Form 2100^ Six Months to Two Years Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $85 CIBMTR
Form 2100^ Yearly Follow-Up for Greater than Two Years Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $65 CIBMTR
^In combined follow-up scenarios where both Forms 2100 and 4101 are present for the same visit, they will be paid as a unit for the amount listed for the Form 4101.
Form 2149 Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Form $20* CIBMTR
Form 2900 Recipient Death Data $15 CIBMTR
* Effective January 1, 2023
Gene Therapy Infusions
Form 2000+ Recipient Baseline Form, plus disease specific inserts $135 CIBMTR
Form 2003+ Gene Therapy Product Form
+ These two forms will be paid as a unit when all required forms are received.
Form 2100^ 100 Days Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $110 CIBMTR
Form 2100^ Six Months to Two Years Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $85 CIBMTR
Form 2100^ Yearly Follow-Up for Greater than Two Years Post-HSCT Data, plus any required inserts $65 CIBMTR
^In combined follow-up scenarios where both Forms 2100 and 4101 are present for the same visit, they will be paid as a unit for the amount listed for the Form 4101.
Form 2149 Respiratory Virus Post-Infusion Form $20* CIBMTR
Form 2900 Recipient Death Data $15 CIBMTR
* Effective January 1, 2023
Cellular Therapy Essential Data (CTED) Forms
Form 4000+ Pre-Cellular Therapy Essential Data Form $150 CIBMTR
Form 4001+ Pre-Cellular Therapy Baseline Data
Form 4003+ Cellular Therapy Product Form
Form 4006+ Cellular Therapy Infusion Form
Form 2402+ Disease Classification Form
+ These five forms will be paid as a unit when all required forms are received. Not all cellular therapies require a F2402 or F2005.
Form 4003* Cellular Therapy Product Form $10 CIBMTR
Form 4006 R1/2* Cellular Therapy Infusion Form $25 CIBMTR
Form 4006 R3* Cellular Therapy Infusion Form $15 CIBMTR
*Paid separately when associated with a Pre-TED F2400.
Form 4100+ Post Cellular Therapy Essential Data Form $120 CIBMTR
Form 4101+ Post-Cellular Therapy Follow-Up
+ These two forms will be paid as a unit when both forms are received. Not all cellular therapies require a F4101.
Form 2011 / 2013 / 2016 / 2018 Disease-Specific Pre-Treatment Insert for ALL, CLL. PCD or LYM $80 CIBMTR
Form 2111 / 2113 / 2116 / 2118 Disease-Specific Post Disease Insert for ALL, CLL, PCD or LYM $80 CIBMTR
Form 3500 Subsequent Neoplasms $25 CIBMTR
Form 3501 Pregnancy $25 CIBMTR
Form 2900 Recipient Death Data $15 CIBMTR
Repository Forms
N/A Repository Sample Received – Related Donor Transplant $35 TC
N/A Repository Sample Received – Unrelated Donor Transplant $10 TC
Form F00227 Repository Excuse Code – Related Transplant $10 TC
Form F00227 Repository Excuse Code – Unrelated Transplant $5 TC

1 Payment is made to the Tax Identification Number (TIN) for the TC# or CIBMTR# as provided by the Center.

Study Forms

A copy of the studies fee schedule can be accessed on the CIBMTR Portal > Training & eLearnings > Job Aids & Resources > Studies Fee Schedule.

Last modified: Jun 27, 2024