Creating a New User

  1. From the Select Your Center field, choose the center that the new user will be associated with from the dropdown
  2. In the Select New User’s Role field, select the appropriate job role for your new user. Next to each role is a short description of the job role. Ehen you select a specific job role, a more in-depth description will display.

If the new user is being added as an NMDP contact, additional fields will appear. Complete all required fields (indicated with a red asterisk) on the page and press the Submit button on the bottom left.

Removing a User from your Center(s)

Submit this as soon as you are aware of the change

  1. Enter the name of the user in the Select Existing User field
  2. Select the center(s) in the Select Center(s) to Remove User From field
Last modified: Aug 21, 2024