During the first round of CVDR, centers will review their data for accuracy and make any updates in FormsNet, if applicable.   CIBMTR will close the CIBMTR Portal to refresh and post the updated dataset. During the second round of CVDR, centers will review their data for the final time and submit a publishing preference. CIBMTR encourages centers to review the data with the Medical Director before submitting publishing preference.

There are three submission options available:

Data Complete/Correct – Publish ALL Data

Selecting this option indicates that center volume data from FormsNet3 are complete and accurate as displayed in the tables and data. Center agrees to have all data published on the HRSA website.

Data Complete/Correct – Publish ALLO Data and NOT AUTO Data

Selecting this option indicates that center volume data from FormsNet3 are complete and accurate as displayed in the tables. Center agrees to have “Allogeneic Transplant Volume Data and NOT Autologous Transplant Volume Data” published on the HRSA website. The disclaimer below will be used for the center on the HRSA website: “Autologous data are reported voluntarily and are not available for this center.”

DO NOT PUBLISH Data for the Center

Selecting this options means the center does not agree to publish Transplant Center Volume Data. However, CIBMTR will review all center statuses and reserves the right to publish a center’s data even if this publishing preference is submitted.

  • If the final decision is made to publish a centers data, it will be made available to the public and transplant community and the following statement will appear on the government website: “Although data were provided for transplants performed, the completeness of the reporting was not confirmed by the below centers before being included in this report. Allogeneic transplant data for these centers are made available for informational purposes for the SCTOD, as required by U.S. law.”
  • If the final decision is made to not publish a centers data, it will not be made available to the public and transplant community and the following statement will appear on the government website: “Although these centers performed transplants, their data could not be included in the U.S. Transplant Data by Center Report. Most of these centers did not provide data within the timeframe needed for this report. A few centers did provide data, but their data could not be validated in time for this report.”
  • If centers do not submit a final data status, the default setting is to publish all the center’s information. Centers that report allogeneic HCT will have this data published at a minimum.
Last modified: Jun 24, 2024