Adding Consent:

A new consent row should be added each time the recipient is approached for consent to the CIBMTR research database. To add a new consent, select the ‘Add New Consent’ button within the Consent Information grid. When this button is selected, a pop-up window will appear with the consent questions. Once all required questions are answered and submitted, a row will appear within the Consent Information grid.

Updating Consent:

If consent needs to be updated after it has been reported, the edit icon within the consent information grid should be selected.

When this icon is clicked, the consent questions pop-up window will appear with all previously entered data. The user will not be allowed to submit if no changes are made to the data. If a change is made, a change reason will be required before the data can be submitted. After the changes are submitted, the data will be updated and a row will be added to the Consent History grid.

Last modified: Jul 26, 2024