NMDP requires transplant centers to report all qualifying recipient adverse events and/or product complaint events on all recipients of cellular product that we facilitate. FormsNet3 is a system used by the Event Reporting System (ERS) to capture information about recipient adverse events and product complaints.
The Event Reporting System provides a single mechanism for transplant centers to report adverse events and product complaints to NMDP, thus simplifying the process for centers and saving centers time and resources. Investigations of adverse events and product complaints can also be initiated more quickly by Transplant Medical Services and Quality Systems because the electronic forms systematically collect all pertinent information upfront. In addition, the Event Reporting System enhances the NMDP’s ability to comply with all reporting obligations we have to regulatory and funding agencies such as the FDA and HRSA.
For training resources, form samples (F3001, F3003, F3010) and instructions, please refer to the NMDP Network Website.