The HCT type is discrepant between FormsNet3 and the CTA list.
Steps to Follow to Correct Discrepancy
- If the CTA list is incorrect, centers should correct the CTA list and resubmit via a CIBMTR Center Support ticket.
- After navigating to the CIBMTR Center Support, click Need Help?
- Complete necessary fields and answer the following
- What is your question regarding? CPI/CTA
- Relating to: CTA HCT List Submission/Resubmission
- Attach the CTA list with the Add Attachments feature
- Click submit
- If FormsNet3 is incorrect, then the Pre-TED form (2400) in FormsNet3 donor/HCT type needs to be corrected.
- Navigate to the Recipient Tab in FormsNet3 > Recipient Forms subtab
- Enter the CRID in the “Search For” box and click “Search”
- Find the form 2400 for the event in question and click the Edit icon
- Scroll to the Donor Information section and correct the donor/HCT type
- NOTE: There may be more than one donor and donor instance in this section. Ensure all donor types are reported correctly
- Submit the form to complete
- Reprocess additional recipient forms for the donor(s) that were corrected (forms 2004, 2005, and/or 2006). The visit details on the FormsNet3 forms grid will often display the donor used
- Open each form via the Edit icon > allow auto-population to update donor/HCT type > complete any questions that may have come due > submit form to complete
- Open form with Edit icon > manually correct donor/HCT type > complete any questions that may have come due > submit form to complete
Last modified:
Mar 06, 2024