Beginning in 2025, the program will open to international centers and participation in this project is voluntary for international centers. Complete information for variables used in the multivariate analysis is essential to produce a valid report. If a center has limitations related to national regulations preventing reporting of essential data elements, the center will not be eligible for participation.

For centers to participate, they must meet the same data quality and completeness standards expected of US centers included in the analysis. More specifically, centers must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Maintain a fully executed Data Transmission Agreement (DTA) with CIBMTR acknowledging compliance with human subjects’ protection and privacy regulations. Centers will also be requested to complete a short addendum to the DTA, acknowledging the submission of data from patients who may not have signed informed consent for quality improvement purposes of the international center specific analysis.
  2. Provide a consecutive transplant (CTA) list to the CIBMTR and resolve any discrepancies in the reported data. Details and instructions are located in the CTA section of the Data Management Guide.
    1. CTA must be completed for all years included in the analysis. If centers have not submitted CTA lists for prior years, the lists must be completed as well.
  3. Achieve a CPI status of “Good Standing” for 3 consecutive trimesters.
  4. Provide complete and accurate data (TED or CRF) on all first allogeneic HCT during the period of inclusion for the annual report. Follow-up data for the allogeneic recipients must be at least 90% complete through one year after transplantation, or the center will be omitted from the analysis. This is to ensure data reported by the center is not unintentionally biased.
    1. If an institution’s policies permit, data for unconsented patients may still be provided to ensure appropriate analyses; these patients’ data will not be used for any purpose except the center specific analysis.
  5. If there have been allogeneic transplants where forms 2814, 2400, and 2402 have not been completed, it is not possible for the center to participate in the program.
  6. Respond to data queries from the CIBMTR as part of the CIBMTR’s routine processes to ensure complete, high-quality data.
  7. Provide HLA typing information for allogeneic recipients to facilitate proper assignment of HLA match grade by submitting any requested Form 2005.
  8. Use FormsNet to submit both data and data corrections.
  9. Agree to participate in the CIBMTR auditing program to ensure completeness and accuracy of the data.

Application Process

Centers who wish to participate in this program should apply for inclusion. The comparison/benchmark group is generated from analysis of data from US centers.

Centers requesting to participate should complete the application linked below.

TCSA Application Link

Following application, CIBMTR will review CPI compliance history and communicate the initial inclusion decision and next steps. Participating centers will receive extra communication from CIBMTR, including data queries and guidance on prioritization. Eligibility will be assessed at the close of each CPI trimester, and centers not able to meet CPI requirements will be removed from the cohort.

Expected outcomes for the international centers may not be well-represented by this comparison group, which may have unintended consequences depending upon the utilization of the report. This could include effects related to the COVID pandemic for recipients of allogeneic HCT. International centers may vary substantially from US centers as CIBMTR does not plan to adjust for pandemic-related effects based on analyses conducted in 2021 and 2022. International centers requesting to participate must acknowledge these limitations as a condition of participation.

Last modified: Aug 22, 2024