Center Type Role Name Description of New Role Software
RC Primary Data Manager Access to FormsNet3, CIBMTR Portal, CIBMTR Center Support and the Network Partner Portal. Individual responsible for managing activities to meet NMDP and CIBMTR requirements. This is the main person NMDP and CIBMTR will contact for operational questions. You are required to identify one primary data manager for each research center. Only one primary data manager is allowed for each center.
  • FormsNet3
  • CIBMTR Portal
  • Network Partner Portal
RC Medical Director Physician responsible for overseeing clinical activities to ensure center meets NMDP and CIBMTR requirements. This is the medical director CIBMTR will contact for clinical questions.
Access to FormsNet3, CIBMTR Portal, ServiceNow and Network Partner Portal.
Serves as backup to primary data manager for creating, modifying, and deleting center users. Each center is allowed only one medical director.
  • FormsNet3
  • CIBMTR Portal
  • Network Partner Portal
RC Data Manager A member of your staff who will be using FormsNet3 and the CIBMTR Portal. Person has access to ServiceNow and is added to your center’s list with CIBMTR.
  • FormsNet3
  • CIBMTR Portal
RC Center Administrator The administrator of the data management staff who may be using FormsNet3 and the CIBMTR Portal. A user in this role has access to ServiceNow and is added to your center’s list with CIBMTR.
  • FormsNet3
  • CIBMTR Portal
RC FACT-JACIE Quality Manager A user in this role can access FormsNet3, the CIBMTR Portal, ServiceNow, and is added to your center’s list with CIBMTR.
  • FormsNet3
  • CIBMTR Portal
RC Staff Physician Physician at your center that is not the Medical Director. This role does not have access to FormsNet3. A user in this role has access to the CIBMTR Portal, ServiceNow, and is added to your center’s list with CIBMTR.
  • CIBMTR Portal
RC Financial Staff Financial Staff only. This role does not have access to FormsNet3. A user in this role can access backup documentation for payments in the CIBMTR Portal, have access to ServiceNow, and is added to your center’s list with CIBMTR.
  • CIBMTR Portal
RC Staff Other staff involved with your center’s activities. Not a FormsNet3 or CIBMTR Portal user. Person has access to CIBMTR Center Support and is added to your list with CIBMTR.
  • CIBMTR Portal
Last modified: Jun 21, 2024