Association Liability insurance provides cover for your club’s directors and office bearers as they act on behalf of the club. Without this protection, the personal assets for directors may be at risk in the event of a claim.

Where Public Liability responds to allegations of negligence, Association Liability insurance responds to what are termed “Wrongful Acts”. These can be quite broad in nature, and the claim can include the following:

  • Discrimination (e.g. based on gender, race, religion)
  • Defamation (club president sued for slanderous comment)
  • Fidelity (e.g. ex-treasurer found to have embezzled money from the club)
  • Employment Practices (e.g. wrongful dismissal, failure to promote, workplace harassment, etc.)

The policy also responds to representations and defence costs at enquiries where there may not be any fault levelled at the club. For instance, if a coronial inquest required the presence of the club president or patrol captain, the costs associated with representing those parties would be addressed under this policy. Additionally, as every patrolled beach is effectively classed as a workplace for patrolling members, office bearers of the club may bear some responsibility in the event of an injury or incident that is investigated by WorkCover – this policy also provides cover for those Occupational Health and Safety scenarios.

Last modified: 2 June 2023


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