The CVDR report includes transplants from the past five years performed by domestic transplant centers. The variables in these reports include identifiers (CCN, center name, center city, center state, CRID, event date, and event year), recipient demographics (ethnicity, gender, race, date of birth, age), disease information (broad disease, specific disease, disease status), and donor information (donor, product, cell type). Please refer to the CVDR Data Dictionary located in the CIBMTR Portal for additional details.

CVDR Dataset Preparation

CIBMTR will review the CVDR data, place queries on any missing/discrepant data, and post any outstanding forms on the CIBMTR Portal (Data Quality Tab) for centers to complete. Prior to the CVDR dataset pull (which occurs in the summer), centers should resolve queries and complete forms to ensure all record(s) are included in the dataset. Once the dataset is generated and loaded to the CIBMTR Portal, CIBMTR will distribute an eBlast informing centers of the CVDR timeline.

CVDR Portal Login & Dataset Access

  1. Login to the CIBMTR CVDR Portal
  2. Select the Center Volumes Data Reporting (CVDR) tile on the CIBMTR Portal landing page
  3. Centers will land on CVDR Home Page where they will follow the steps listed.

CVDR Dataset Review

Once CIBMTR has notified centers the CVDR portal is open and dataset is ready for review, centers will login to the CIBMTR Portal and review the dataset with their medical director.

Once in the CVDR Portal, centers can review their data multiple ways:

Table View

  1. Select the infusion year(s) tab to review:
  2. The data will be displayed in the following tables:
    • Summary Metrics
      • Summary metrics for the report year (infusion year) selected, count of patients, and count of infusions
    • Table 1: Disease by Donor Type
      • List of diseases (broad & specific diseases) by donor type
    • Table 2: Disease by Graft Type
      • List of diseases (broad & specific diseases) by graft type
    • Table 3: Age by Graft Type
      • List of patient age (categorized in ranges) by graft type
    • Table 4: Patient Sex
      • Count of infusions by gender
    • Table 5: Patient Race
      • Count of infusions by race
    • Table 6: Transplants per Month
      • Count of infusions per month

Download Dataset

  1. Select “Download Extract” tab across the top or “Document type” found on the left side of the screen
  2. Click Download under the available reports
  3. Files will be available for the following reports:
    1. Report for each infusion year (5 reports total; distinct for each infusion year)
    2. Report for all infusion years (comprehensive report with 5 years data included)
    3. Data Dictionary

Centers need to ensure the records match between the tables and extracts. Once confirmed, centers will review the data to verify the counts and records are accurate for each field.

Once the data has been reviewed and approved, centers will submit their publishing status.


If the records do not match, missing records, discrepant records, or inaccurate records, please do the following:

  1. Review the CVDR Data Dictionary to determine the data source.
  2. Review FormsNet to ensure forms are complete and data has been entered correctly. CIBMTR will exclude records if forms and data are not completed.
  3. If further assistance is requested, please submit a ticket to CIBMTR Center Support > CVDR.
Last modified: Jun 24, 2024