Enhanced UI/UX in ‘Edit Responsibilities’ Form
The ‘Edit Responsibilities’ form has been enhanced to improve the visual distinction among headers, such as Roles, Org Unit, Resources, etc.
Moreover, when a user removes the selected responsibility of an Asset, Resource, etc., it remains visible in the form, allowing users to make additional changes. This presence persists until the user either deletes it or saves the form without selecting a RASCI-VS value
Removal of ‘Mix-RASCI-VS’ Swimlane Header
We have removed the ‘Mix RASCI-VS’ header in Swimlanes diagrams.
UID and SSN not highlighted when showing changes
When users select the ‘Show Changes’ tool in the Details view, the UID and SSN fields are no longer highlighted, contributing to a more cohesive and organized visual experience.
Enhanced Visibility of Out of Sync Icon in Details View
We’ve enhanced the ‘Out of Sync’ icon to make it clearer for users. Now, major discrepancies are indicated in red, while minor ones are in yellow. This change ensures that users can easily see when the assigned item is not harmonized.
‘Paste’ Button in Diagram Editor
The ‘Paste’ button in the Diagram Editor is now intelligently disabled when the user’s clipboard is empty, ensuring a more intuitive experience.
Effortless Access to Diagram View Toolbar
Users can now effortlessly access the bottom toolbar in Diagram View, even when a pending action box (e.g., approval, endorsement, review, etc.) is present on the page.
Enhanced Quick Map Creation for Low Resolution Screens
We’ve enhanced the UI of the quick map feature in the ‘Flow Objects’ tab within the ‘Add New Process’ form to better accommodate users with low-resolution screens. This improvement ensures a seamless experience across various screen types.
‘Add and Close’ Button for Efficient Set and Folder Creation
Now, an ‘Add and Close’ button is conveniently located at the top right of the ‘New Set’ and ‘New Folder’ forms. This enhancement significantly improves usability by eliminating the need for users to scroll to the bottom of the form to complete the set or folder creation process.
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