Users with Import privileges can import content into EPC from data mining applications. This feature is useful to quickly create or override EPC content coming from an older version or to quickly insert new business content into an EPC environment.

As of now, EPC supports the import of:

  • Fluxicon’s Disco process mining files (.xml)
  • ARIS files (.xml)

To import process mining files, follow the steps below:

1. Within the EPC menu (located on the top right corner), click on Import.

2. In the import window, select Process Mining (.xml) for Fluxicon files or ARIS (.xml).

3. Click on the Browse button to select the desired file.

4. Choose the destination of the process within your existing EPC database by typing the name of the set or process or open the tree selector to see in real-time your EPC process hierarchy.

5. When done, click on the “Finish” button. If a mistake was made, users can click on the “X” button to delete the selected set or process.

6. A message will appear to let users now that the import is successfully initiated.

7. The process will be accessible in the Process module.


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