Modelers play a crucial role in implementing Change Requests within EPC.

How to Implement Change Requests:

  1. Go to the ‘Details’ or ‘Diagram’ view of the object where the Change Request was made.
  2. Use the ‘Edit’ button to access the object’s edit form or diagram editor.
  3. Implement the requested changes.

  1. After implementing the Change Request, navigate to the Collaboration tab of the object.

  1. Click on the ‘Update Status’ box.

  1. Click the ‘Status’ box and change it to ‘Implemented
    • If needed, you can add files to provide more context to the status update
  2. Provide a description of the changes implemented.
  3. Click ‘Update’ to update the status of the Change Request.

  1. The Change Request will be moved to the “Implemented” section of the collaboration window.


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