The Training Application in the Digital Business Platform (DBP), another module of Interfacing’s eQMS solution, is integrated with EPC. Training assignments created in DBP and associated with EPC objects are reflected directly in EPC. Users or trainees can find and access their pending training assignments in the To Do module or directly from the object requiring training.

Accessing Training Assignments in EPC

  1. Navigate to the To Do Module
  2. Filter Training Assignments:
    Click on the “Training” button to filter the pending tasks and display only training assignments.

  1. Filter by Training Type (Optional):
    Click on the filter icon to further filter the list by training type: training, pre-training, post-training, or re-training.

  1. Access Training Details:
    Click on the name of the desired training in the list to be redirected to the object to which the training is associated.
  2. Develop the Training Task:
    Click on the down arrow to expand the training task.
  3. Switch to the Correct Version (if necessary):
    Training assignments will only appear in the version to which they are tied. For example, if you are in the latest version of a document but the training is in version 0.0001, you will need to switch to that version to access the training. Click on the blue version number to switch to the correct version.

  1. Click on the “Execute Training / Complete Assessment Questionnaire” button to access the training.

  1. Complete the Training:
    Upon clicking the button, a pop-up window will open where users can complete their training or questionnaire.


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