Question 1: What is the indication for CIBMTR Research ID (CRID) assignment?

Indicate whether the individual will be receiving hematopoietic cellular transplant (HCT), non-transplant cellular therapy, marrow toxic injury therapy, or non-cellular therapy.

Hematopoietic cellular transplant (HCT) is a transplant of bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells, umbilical cord blood, or other cellular product containing CD34+ cells, also known as hematopoietic progenitor cells. If the infusion type is gene therapy, select “Hematopoietic cellular transplant.”

Non-transplant cellular therapies may be derived from a hematopoietic or non-hematopoietic tissue source and can be utilized for a broad range of indications, including autoimmune, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, and neurologic diseases; these are often referred to as cellular therapies for regenerative medicine (CTRM).

Marrow toxic injury should only be reported by Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN) centers in the event of mass casualty incident resulting in marrow toxic injury. Do not report marrow toxic injury for individuals receiving pre-transplant radiation therapy or for accidental, isolated exposures to radiation.

If you are completing this form for a patient at a RITN center and are uncertain if the patient’s data should be reported using the marrow toxic injury indication, submit a CIBMTR Center Support ticket or email

Non-cellular therapy may include vaccine or immunomodulatory trials; report non-cellular therapy when the patient is enrolled on a trial or protocol requiring data submission to CIBMTR.

If the reported indication is:

  • Hematopoietic cellular transplant, complete questions 2-3.
  • Non-transplant cellular therapy, complete question 2
  • Marrow toxic injury, complete question 2
  • Non-cellular therapy, complete questions 4-6

Question 2: Event Date (or planned event date)

Report the planned date of transplant. An approximate date is fine to report if the date is not yet on the hospital schedule. When or if the approximated or planned date of infusion changes, the form should be updated in FormsNet3, as this data field is used to populate the date of infusion on the patient’s other data collection forms. If the recipient has a previous transplant already reported to CIBMTR, review previous transplant follow-up forms and ensure the subsequent transplant is correctly reported on the follow-up forms, which will prompt appropriate follow-up forms to come due; a new or additional Form 2814 is not required.

Last modified: Mar 08, 2024