You can create games and play them as Choice. When playing, participants will be given multiple answers to choose from. The first team to get the correct answer gets the points.

How to Play as Choice

1. Select a game to play.

2. Click “Choice” to launch your game in choice mode.

When opening a tile, all answer options will appear.

Note: When playing in Buzzer Mode, teams have the option to include their answers directly from their devices.

How to Create a Multiple-Choice Question

When entering your questions into a game, you have the flexibility to enter multiple answer options. You can either designate one (1) correct option or specify multiple answers as correct. Here’s how you do it:

1. Enter your question in the designated field and provide the correct answer in the “Answer” box.

2. To add more answer options, go to the Choice tab.

3. Enter up to three incorrect answers in the boxes provided.

Tip: If you want to include multiple correct answers, simply check the “Marked as correct answer” box. Note that the label “Incorrect Answer” will then switch to “Correct Answer.” Players can select any or all of these correct choices, and each correct selection will earn them the corresponding points.

4. Click Save when you’re finished.

A yellow dot will appear on tiles with a multiple-choice question.

Mixed Question Types in Choice

In Choice Mode, you have the option to play using both standard Factile questions (just the question) and Choice questions (where participants chose from multiple answer choices).

This option mixes the question types so you can have both the standard Factile questions and also choice question types in one game.

1. Use this option by checking the “Mix Question Types in Choice” box on the Customize page under “Game Play Settings”.

2. Launch your game in Choice Mode.

If your tile doesn’t have multiple answer choices, it will display as a regular tile with just the question.