The Toggle Property option in the Actions menu of the Builder enables the designer to change an interface element property. Properties with a drop down list can be toggled such as: Font and Alignment.

This article explains how to add a Toggle Property to an interface element.

Adding a Toggle Property

  1. In the Builder, double-click the relevant interface element.
  2. Select the required button action. For example: Tap, Press or Release. (The toggle property can be added to any of these options.)
  3. Click the + sign.
  4. Select the option to add Toggle Property.
  5. In the Properties window on the bottom of the page, select the property that you would like to change. For example: Font
    Selecting toggle font enables changing the font being viewed on the interface element. The toggle feature starts with your selection, then moves through the list of possible fonts.
  6. Publish and Test the new Toggle Property.

Changing the Interface Element for Adding a Toggle Property

  1. After selecting the option to add Toggle Property, drag a new interface element from the left pane to the target element field of the Properties section.
  2. Select the property you would like to change and complete the procedure as in the section above.
Revision: 4
Last modified: 23 May 2017


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